Fall Wonders Blog Train Freebie

Fall is a time of reflection during crisp afternoon hikes and leaf-jumping events happening in your closest backyard. Time to enjoy making memories and take pictures of it all! In that light, we offer you these digital scrapbook fall kits for free, so you can enjoy placing your family photos while happily saving a few dollars.

Here is my kits, the download links are below them and the Make sure you follow along to the other blogs in our first 'blog train' who also have freebie kits for you.

Papers #1
Papers #2
 username - fall password -wonders

One from DeLoris which is Super CUTE!! Find it on her blog here:
Dels PSP Emporium  Love the bear!!

Sue from grands9creations has also made us a beautiful word art freebie, which you can download here.

I am waiting on two other ladies that I hope will get some kits done for us in these lovely colors ;-)

Until then, here are a few freebies I found you may also enjoy:
Harvest Season Mini Kit
 MOROCCAN DREAMS Cute lil kit ;) 
Coastal Style Freebie


  1. Hi, I'd like to get your portion of the train, but the password isn't working for me, would you mind checking on that, please. thank you so much!

  2. Hi Stacey, It seems to be working for me and others have downloaded the file. Are you using all lower case letters? Do you have a fire wall where you are downloading from?

  3. it's working today! thank you! it's awesome! it happens to me sometimes - don't know why! but I can get it today! Yay!
